Yvonne: Alien Abduction
We've reached a milestone, this is #100. For this special edition, here's a guest comic featuring Yvonne drawn by my friend and mentor Rick, who draws the webcomic Area 5.1
This is #100, first published 19 Sep 16
You're welcome to share any Yvonne image on the web and social media, exactly as it appears (ie without editing the image at all). It must keep the copyright notice below the box (which is part of the image, so it will remain as long as you don't crop it off). If you're able to, please include an active link to http://handspinner.co.uk/yvonne. For print: contact me for permission: shiela@handspinner.co.uk
Use this code to embed the cartoon above if you like:
<a href = "http://handspinner.co.uk/yvonne/100.html" target = "_blank"><img src = http://handspinner.co.uk/images/crossover-abduction-600.png srcset = "http://handspinner.co.uk/images/crossover-abduction-940.png 2x" alt = "Aliens have a being in a lab, examining their subject. Alien1: I got it... a counterin a pub, restaurant or cafe across which dfrinks or refreshiments are served. Alien 2: No, he means a unit of pressure equivalent to a hundred thousand newtons per square metre!!! Yvonne: Bahhhh....!!! Alien 1; Erm... Bangor and Aroostook Railroad?" title = "It's no good, go fetch the Gogol translate machine..."></a>