One of my favourites. The idea came after I'd published the last one and wondered how Crow might have placed all of those words himself, or at least the last couple. I thought to start with that they might be playing some obscure set of rules (Mornington Crescent-style) which allows a player to have another turn after placing a word over a certain score. But then, remembering that Maureen can't spell, the obvious answer is that she's missing turns because she can't go. And having a really obvious high-scoring word and not realising it was too much fun not to draw.
That makes this my first 'prequel' and as we know, prequels are usually terrible.
Jigsaw - online
What's more fun than a cuddle with a woolly critter?
Try completing a puzzle online - they have just the right number of pieces for a coffee-break challenge and you gradually reveal the cartoon.
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Maureen has a most obvious high-scoring word EQUINOX
Maureen: Nope, I don't think I can go.
Maureen: which is a shame because if there'd been an P available I could have made "UP"
You're welcome to share any Yvonne image on the web and social media, exactly as it appears (ie without editing the image at all). It must keep the copyright notice below the box (which is part of the image, so it will remain as long as you don't crop it off). If you're able to, please include an active link to For print: contact me for permission:
Use this code to embed the cartoon above if you like:
<a href = "" target = "_blank"><img src = srcset = " 2x" alt = "Maureen has a very obvious high-scoring word (EQUINOX) but decides that she can't go." title = "No wait - I can make the word 'ON'"></a>