You could read this two ways. When I hear birds squawking (usually magpies which are the worst offenders) I wonder whether their horrible noises actually sound sweet to their partners. Or it could be about the fact that when you're in love, you find the object of your affections funny, clever and you like his/her voice. Others may not share your opinion and those rose-tinted opinions certainly change as you inevitably fall out of love.
Or you might just enjoy the joke and hopefully laugh.
Jigsaw - online
What's more fun than a cuddle with a woolly critter?
Try completing a puzzle online - they have just the right number of pieces for a coffee-break challenge and you gradually reveal the cartoon.
If you like Yvonne then the good news is that you can support the author, buy the image to keep and avail yourself of some really useful kit, such as mugs, bags, coasters, mouse mats, postcards, greetings cards, even posters and prints.
Don't see the item you'd like with the cartoon you'd like? Just email me, I'll be happy to arrange it for you.
Frame 1:
SFX: Caw! Caw! Caw!
Maureen: Jesus!
Yvonne: It sounds like Crow might be in trouble. Do you think one of us should go and make sure he's OK?
Frame 2:
Crow couple is on a branch. Crow has a karaoke mic in his wing.
Mrs Crow: That was beautiful!
Mrs Crow: Now do 'My Way'
You're welcome to share any Yvonne image on the web and social media, exactly as it appears (ie without editing the image at all). It must keep the copyright notice below the box (which is part of the image, so it will remain as long as you don't crop it off). If you're able to, please include an active link to For print: contact me for permission:
Use this code to embed the cartoon above if you like:
<a href = "" target = "_blank"><img src = srcset = " 2x" alt = "There is a horrible din in the air - crow's cawing. The sheep are perturbed. Yvone: It sounds as if Crow might be in trouble. Do you think one of us should go and make sure he's OK? Then we see that Crow is singing karaoke to his partner. She says it was beautiful and asks for My Way." title = "Beauty is in the ear of the beholder."></a>