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We already know that Maureen can't spell, but why should that stop anyone playing Scrabble?
This is #150, first published 2 May 17
We already know that Maureen can't spell, but why should that stop anyone playing Scrabble?
Frame 1:Picture of scrabble rack
Maureen: But you didn't even look.
Frame 2: Crow (with a dictionary): Trust me, it's not. Stop just reading out your letters and asking me if it's in there!
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<a href = "" target = "_blank"><img src = srcset = " 2x" alt = "Scrabble tiles, nonsense word. Maureen: You didn't even look! Crow (with dictionary) Trust me, it's not in there. Stop reading out your letters and asking me if it's in there." title = "It probably is in the official Scrabble dictionary.'"></a>